Use this form to subscribe as a FreeStore Developer. You must choose a login and a password. These will allow you to manage your account and see on day to day basis the purchases recorded by Free for you account.

N.B.: All fields, except the field TVA which is optional, are mandatory.
N.B.: If you are not a company, enter your bank account number even if you only plan to deploy free applications, at least a the beginning.
N.B.: Only the field « name » entered here will be displayed publicly (as application author, but this can be changed afterwards), no other information will be disclosed.

> Approval of the last CGUs:
By checking this checkbox you accept the last « Conditions Générales d'Utilisation du Factory » as stated here (in French).
> Account type: Company
Whether you represent a company (or a organization able, among other, to emit invoices) or are a person.
> Login:
A personal identifier. It must contain between 3 and 20 characters. Only lettres, digits and space characters are allowed.
> Password:
Enter here the password that will be used to access the account. It must contain between 6 and 20 characters.
> Password confirmation:
Reenter the password, for confirmation.
> Application ID prefix:
A prefix for your applications IDs. It must contain at least 2 words separated by a dot. Only letters, digits, underscore and dots are allowed. Your applications will all have a unique identifier which will begin with this prefix. Example: com.example
> Company or name :
The name of your company or the first and last name for a regular user. If you don't represent a company, and as this information will be displayed on the FreeStore as the application author, you can enter a name or a pseudo if you wish. The name must contain at least 3 characters. Only letters, digits and spaces are allowed.
> Address:
Address of the company or of the user. Only letters, digits, spaces, commas, dots and dashes are allowed.
> Zip Code:
Zip Code of the company or of the user. Only letters, digits, spaces, commas, dots and dashes are allowed. For French addresses, only use the usual 5 digit code.
> City:
City of the company or of the user. Only letters, digits, spaces, commas, dots and dashes are allowed.
> VAT :
The intracommunautary VAT number (if available, optional). Only letters and digits are allowed.
> First and last name of the commercial contact:
The first and last name of the commercial contact at developer.
> Commercial contact telephone number:
Telephone number of the commercial contact. It must be written using international format and begin with a '+' character, e.g. « +33 1 23 45 67 89 ».
> Commercial contact email address:
Email address of the commercial contact for correspondance.
> First and last name of the technical contact:
The first and last name of the technical contact at developer.
> Technical contact telephone number:
Telephone number of the technical contact. It must be written using international format and begin with a '+' character, e.g. « +33 1 23 45 67 89 ».
> Technical contact email address:
Email address of the technical contact for correspondance.
> Form submission:
Checc carefully the information you entered in this form and click on "Submit".
Conformément à la loi « Informatique et libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée en 2004 vous disposez, à l’égard des données vous concernant, d'un droit d'accès et de rectification. Ce droit s'exerce en justifiant de son identité, via le formulaire de contact du site.